Saturday, November 20, 2004


been a silly week at camp. couldn't wait to book out.
mainly cos i got a bhangra performance in the making for me heh.
the jcats trial and all the push ups were all fun and good, but when i left, i was in a hurry. got to jas' place at about three and did some last minute rehearsals for the evening event. Deepa-raya celebrations and stuff.
and i realised just how much i missed dancing bhangra and basically hangin out with these guys. Real good to see kevin and kp after waay too long, heh. my last performance was eons ago, and in my stagnancy, chakdey ac had seriously evolved into a much larger group and with a greater potential and zest for the stuff we do than when we first started. And sammy actually joined up with sheri punjab, and now she's doing every gig thats coming her way. Plus she's a frickin dholee! haa, wow.
we reached marine parade cc at 7 plus, and i just got told its so pretty and huge because its basically sm goh's home cc heh.
because kp and kev would leave at 8 something, we did darshan first, followed by the legendary "track 22" (thus named cos we had no idea what its title actually was). i thought the crowd was a little too docile, and the music a tad too soft at first; didn't matter though- i went out like a manjan with a vengeance. disappear into the music. turned out, our performance was fucking awesome. if i may say so myself, judging by the video cherie took. or at least it was good enough to interest the cc to actually propose an interest in sponsoring us for future events and also to provide a studio.
really glad for jas, cos i think he really has something going on, and this would be a good boost for him and chakdey ac as a whole. it also means we can represent the cc in any future events. which is cool, cos i might just be able to squeeze a few book outs out of this deal haa...
so kudos to jas, kp, sammy, cheryl, tash, cherie and jonong, heh, for a great show and for de-rusting my bhangra moves.

cabbed with sam to town, she's got dinner with family, and i got a much-awaited date with ms alcohol. had a good chat with sam along the way. and i may end up going to her church tomorrow, haa, just cos mum is really screaming for me to go (any church heh), and maybe i just ought to visit Him and keep off his to-torture-and-despair list for a few more heartbeats.
ended up on an extended chillout with andre till just an hour ago. started at starbucks, and heather was there but she left early. then played really really screwed up pool near hard rock cafe for an hour. then we just about tried to go to all these silly places with a minimum age limit, hehe. andre got this sudden urge to check out all those sleazebars (ugh, yep sleazebars) in orchard towers. we spent more time guessing if she was a he, than drinking or doing anything else. then we actually got into a milder bar and had a deal to go in for the duration of one glass of beer. felt like a freakshow to me, cos you had ughly caucs and fugly he/shes trying to feel beautiful and sexy. then you had extremely bad service and bad music.
beer tastes bad, but seldom quite so bad. and never that i finished it in a hurry despite them being sorry, chemically-fucked-up liquids. we got out in a hurry, feeling suddenly quite at peace with the world with who we are, heh, at least until we got to alleybar. it was rather evil to judge anybody like that, i realise, but then i never accused myself of being anything but evil haa.
alleybar's just about the best bar for chillout and great drinks, i found out. good service, elite music (gotan project!), and just about the most ambient design.
andre had tons of crazy ideas tonight, and one would be going to rouge next door. i had thought not to club tonight and save some cash, but i also thought what the hell, just go with it.
bleah. thank god we got in free, cos rouge was soo bad. its weird, cos the music and everything were really ok , but there's simply no crowd. maybe they all scooted to the fhm girl-next-door finals.
or- and methinks its this one- they got word i was coming along. so, wishing to spare themselves from visual disgust, they decided to evacuate ground zero heh.
whatever. eventually the best place to hang out turned out to be my void deck. we just sat there- no drinks, no music, absolutely no ambience and no chicks- and talked real long. about almost everything. honestly, when i first met andre, i would never would have thought he would become so much more a friend to me, until tonight.
and so as it turned out, the void deck was to be the best bar we chilled at tonight

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